Upgrade Communications in Your Organization

Although communication methods and channels have advanced rapidly, leaders, managers and employees continue to experience misunderstandings and misperceptions. In fact, studies by Grammarly estimate that miscommunication can cost organizations up to $12,506 each year for each employee.

According to The Economist, the number one cause of misinterpretations is different communication styles.

In Mitigating Miscommunication: An Emergenetics® eBook, you will learn about the impact of miscommunication in the workplace and gain access to an actionable framework to bring your communication practices to meet today’s standards. With the latest techniques at your fingertips, you can work more productively with others even when they communicate in a style all their own.

What's Inside?

Readers of our eBook will find:

  • 5 reasons intent-impact gaps are costly
  • 9 common causes of misunderstandings
  • 1 useful framework to optimize communication
  • 1 tool to help close intent-impact gaps
  • 1 resource to address miscommunication when it occurs
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